WhaleScore 2.0
Bourne Lent Asset Management is based out of Pawling. Bourne Lent Asset Management is a large advisory firm with 82 clients and discretionary assets under management (AUM) of $283,456,623 (Form ADV from 2024-04-29). Their last reported 13F filing for Q2 2024 included $260,816,784 in managed 13F securities
and a top 10 holdings concentration of 75.17%. Bourne Lent Asset Management's largest holding is Microsoft Corp. with shares held of 78,547. Whalewisdom has at least 63 13F filings
Business Description
Bourne Lent offers investment advisory services to individuals, high net worth individuals, trusts, estates, charitable organizations, businesses, and municipal entities. As a fiduciary, Bourne Lent upholds a duty of loyalty, fairness, and good faith towards each Client and seeks to mitigate potential conflicts of interest.
Bourne Lent provides various investment advisory services, including establishing an investment strategy, asset allocation, portfolio construction, and investment management and supervision. Prior to engaging Bourne Lent, each Client is required to enter into a written agreement that defines the terms, conditions, authority, and responsibilities of the Advisor and the Client.
Investment Strategy
Bourne Lent's investment strategies are primarily long-term focused, but the Advisor may buy, sell or re-allocate positions that have been held for less than one year to meet the objectives of the Client or due to market conditions. Bourne Lent will construct, implement and monitor the portfolio to ensure it meets the goals, objectives, circumstances, and risk tolerance agreed to by the Client. Each Client will have the opportunity to place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments to be held in their respective portfolio, subject to acceptance by the Advisor.
Fundamental analysis utilizes economic and business indicators as investment selection criteria. This criteria consists generally of ratios and trends that may indicate the overall strength and financial viability of the entity being analyzed. Assets are deemed suitable if they meet certain criteria to indicate that they are a strong investment with a value discounted by the market. While this type of analysis helps the Advisor in evaluating a potential investment, it does not guarantee that the investment will increase in value. Assets meeting the investment criteria utilized in the fundamental analysis may lose value and may have negative investment performance. The Advisor monitors these economic indicators to determine if adjustments to strategic allocations are appropriate.
Known Email Addresses
(Subscription Required)
Top Buys (13F)
Name | % Change |
QCOM QUALCOMM Inc. | 0.29% |
NVDA NVIDIA Corp. | 0.2% |
LLY Lilly (Eli) & Co. | 0.13% |
AMZN Amazon.com Inc. | 0.05% |
TMP Tompkins Financial C | 0% |
Top Sells (13F)
Name | % Change |
IDXX IDEXX Laboratories I | 1.24% |
BMY Bristol-Myers Squibb | 1.03% |
PWR Quanta Services, Inc | 0.35% |
PAYX Paychex Inc. | 0.25% |
JNJ Johnson & Johnson Co | 0.12% |
13F Holdings Summary
Name | $ Change |
MSFT Microsoft Corp. | 13.46% |
ADBE Adobe Systems, Inc. | 12.97% |
AAPL Apple Inc | 10.98% |
GOOG Alphabet Inc. Class | 8.87% |
GOOGL Alphabet Inc. Class | 7.87% |
13F Activity
Market Value | $261m, Prior: $248m |
Inflows (Outflows) as % of Total MV | (-0.4745)% |
New Purchases | 0 stocks |
Added To | 12 stocks |
Sold out of | 2 stocks |
Reduced holdings in | 18 stocks |
Top 10 Holdings % | 75.17% |
Turnover %[1] | 3.17% |
Turnover Alt %[2] | 0.72% |
Time Held Top 20 | 23.55 quarters |
Time Held Top 10 | 25.9 quarters |
Time Held All | 27.28 quarters |
[1]: Turnover is calculated by taking the # of new holdings (initial purchases) + the # of positions sold out of (not just reduced) divided by the total # of holdings for the quarter.
[2]: Alt Turnover is calculated by taking either the total MV of new purchases or the MV of securities sold, whichever is less, divided by the total MV of the fund.
13F Sector Allocation Over Time
limited to past 4 quarters. Subscribe to see all available data
Top 20 equal-weighted holdings. Performance numbers calculated through 2024-06-30