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STAMFORD CT Investment Advisor Hedge Fund Billionaires Group
13F Summary

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Chilton Investment Company is based out of Stamford and is run by Richard Chilton Jr. Chilton Investment Company is a hedge fund with 9 clients and discretionary assets under management (AUM) of $1,266,939,000 (Form ADV from 2024-03-28). Their last reported 13F filing for Q2 2024 included $3,548,020,623 in managed 13F securities and a top 10 holdings concentration of 60.29%. Chilton Investment Company's largest holding is Microsoft Corp. with shares held of 868,684. Whalewisdom has at least 84 13F filings, 11 13D filings, and 134 13G filings
Business Description
Chilton does not have fixed internal brokerage allocation procedures, prioritizing best execution in transactions for client accounts. They may direct brokerage to firms providing research products and services when permitted by law and when they believe those firms can provide best execution. Chilton recognizes the value of research products and services and may direct brokerage to firms providing them, consistent with their obligation to seek best execution. Chilton's investment staff is comprised of highly qualified and trained professionals integral to the success of the firm and client accounts. Attracting and retaining a qualified, motivated, and talented investment staff is crucial to Chilton's success. Failure to do so could negatively impact the performance of client accounts and Chilton's business overall.
Investment Strategy
Chilton's equity strategies are characterized as classic fundamental long/short equity strategies with a conservative approach focused on alpha generation and capital preservation. They invest in both growth and value companies that meet short-term and long-term fundamental criteria. The sector, market capitalization, or geographical allocations of a given Client Account's investment portfolio will depend upon the Client Account's mandate and Chilton's determination with respect to the best fundamental risk and reward opportunity set. The implementation of Chilton's investment strategies may include long-term purchases (securities held at least a year), short-term purchases (securities sold within a year), trading (securities sold within 30 days including same-day transactions), short sales and covers, and securities and obligations purchased on margin. The success of a Client Account's investment and trading activities will depend on Chilton's ability to identify undervalued investment opportunities within the relevant investment objective.
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Top Buys (13F)

Name % Change
BRO Brown & Brown Inc. 1.34%
NOW ServiceNow Inc 1.23%
PGR Progressive Corp. 1.22%
MA Mastercard Inc 0.59%
AAPL Apple Inc 0.43%


Top Sells (13F)

Name % Change
MTD Mettler-Toledo Inter 1.45%
CSX CSX Corp 1.4%
BRK.B Berkshire Hathaway I 0.9%
DD DuPont de Nemours, I 0.72%
DOW Dow Inc 0.61%


13F Holdings Summary

Name $ Change
MSFT Microsoft Corp. 10.94%
COST Costco Co. 9.21%
SHW Sherwin-Williams Co. 7.76%
RSG Republic Services In 7.16%
HD Home Depot, Inc. (Th 5.72%


13F Activity

Market Value $3.55b, Prior: $3.65b
Inflows (Outflows) as % of Total MV (-1.4657)%
New Purchases 9 stocks
Added To 52 stocks
Sold out of 21 stocks
Reduced holdings in 70 stocks
Top 10 Holdings % 60.29%
Turnover %[1] 16.13%
Turnover Alt %[2] 8.03%
Time Held Top 20 14.8 quarters
Time Held Top 10 17.8 quarters
Time Held All 17.01 quarters

[1]: Turnover is calculated by taking the # of new holdings (initial purchases) + the # of positions sold out of (not just reduced) divided by the total # of holdings for the quarter.

[2]: Alt Turnover is calculated by taking either the total MV of new purchases or the MV of securities sold, whichever is less, divided by the total MV of the fund.


13F Sector Allocation Over Time

limited to past 4 quarters. Subscribe to see all available data



Top 20 equal-weighted holdings. Performance numbers calculated through 2024-06-30

Portfolio Performance