

3 followers ยท
NEW YORK NY Investment Advisor Hedge Fund
13F Summary

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Eminence Capital is run by Ricky Sandler.Whalewisdom has at least 97 13F filings, 61 13D filings, 221 13G filings, and 2 Form 4 filings Their last reported 13F filing for Q2 2024 included $6,200,278,281 in managed 13F securities and a top 10 holdings concentration of 34.93%. Eminence Capital's largest holding is Sea Ltd ADR with shares held of 4,522,441.
Business Description
Eminence Capital, LP is an investment advisor registered with the SEC. They offer a range of advisory services and investment strategies, including speculative ones that carry substantial risk. The firm emphasizes that they may offer any service or engage in any investment strategy they deem appropriate, subject to each client's objectives and guidelines. Clients should be prepared for the possibility of substantial or total loss of capital. Eminence Capital conducts periodic best execution reviews to ensure they are obtaining the best possible execution for their clients' accounts. They also have policies and procedures in place to address trade allocation and aggregation, and to manage potential conflicts of interest arising from contemporaneous trading.
Investment Strategy
The Investment Adviser employs a research-driven, "quality value" investment strategy that emphasizes traditional value investing principles, focusing on investing in high-quality businesses and avoiding or shorting low-quality ones. This strategy involves maintaining a concentrated portfolio and focusing research efforts on fewer companies to accurately assess their quality and value, aiming for above-average long-term capital appreciation. The Investment Adviser also considers the overall investment climate for equity securities, assessing the economic outlook, Federal Reserve policy, and valuation levels for the stock market. The level of net exposure of each Fund's portfolio is adjusted based on the identification of attractive investments and the assessment of the overall investment environment. The Investment Adviser intends to increase net market exposure when the investment climate is favorable.
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Other Contact Information
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Top Buys (13F)

Name % Change
SE Sea Ltd ADR 2.84%
DT Dynatrace Inc 2.55%
COF Capital One Financia 2.06%
GXO GXO Logistics Inc 1.29%
UBER Uber Technologies In 1.11%


Top Sells (13F)


13F Holdings Summary

Name $ Change
SE Sea Ltd ADR 5.21%
ASH Ashland Inc. 4.81%
FWONK Formula One Group 3.35%
AMZN Inc. 3.3%
Z Zillow Group Inc Cla 3.25%


13F Activity

Market Value $6.20b, Prior: $7.06b
Inflows (Outflows) as % of Total MV (-8.0254)%
New Purchases 9 stocks
Added To 33 stocks
Sold out of 14 stocks
Reduced holdings in 13 stocks
Top 10 Holdings % 34.93%
Turnover %[1] 32.86%
Turnover Alt %[2] 23.37%
Time Held Top 20 5.05 quarters
Time Held Top 10 3 quarters
Time Held All 9.63 quarters

[1]: Turnover is calculated by taking the # of new holdings (initial purchases) + the # of positions sold out of (not just reduced) divided by the total # of holdings for the quarter.

[2]: Alt Turnover is calculated by taking either the total MV of new purchases or the MV of securities sold, whichever is less, divided by the total MV of the fund.


13F Sector Allocation Over Time

limited to past 4 quarters. Subscribe to see all available data



Top 20 equal-weighted holdings. Performance numbers calculated through 2024-06-30

Portfolio Performance