Koch Industries is based out of Wichita. Whalewisdom has at least 112 13F filings, 4 13D filings, 5 13G filings, and 35 Form 4 filings The firm last filed a Form D notice of exempt offering of securities on 2024-03-08. The notice included securities offered of Equity
Top Buys (13F)
Name | % Change |
Top Sells (13F)
Name | % Change |
IBTA Ibotta Inc | 38.66% |
GETY Getty Images Holding | 30.85% |
CMTG Claros Mortgage Trus | 14.22% |
CMP Compass Minerals Int | 8.52% |
LADR Ladder Capital Corp | 5.29% |
13F Holdings Summary
13F Activity
Market Value | $0, Prior: $0.85b |
Inflows (Outflows) as % of Total MV | (-100)% |
New Purchases | 0 stocks |
Added To | 0 stocks |
Sold out of | 8 stocks |
Reduced holdings in | 0 stocks |
Top 10 Holdings % | % |
Turnover %[1] | 100% |
Turnover Alt %[2] | % |
Time Held Top 20 | quarters |
Time Held Top 10 | quarters |
Time Held All | quarters |
[1]: Turnover is calculated by taking the # of new holdings (initial purchases) + the # of positions sold out of (not just reduced) divided by the total # of holdings for the quarter.
[2]: Alt Turnover is calculated by taking either the total MV of new purchases or the MV of securities sold, whichever is less, divided by the total MV of the fund.
13F Sector Allocation Over Time
limited to past 4 quarters. Subscribe to see all available data
Top 20 equal-weighted holdings. Performance numbers calculated through 2024-09-30