WhaleScore 2.0
Investment Advisor
Hedge Fund
Prescott Group Capital Management is based out of Tulsa. Prescott Group Capital Management is a hedge fund with 5 clients and discretionary assets under management (AUM) of $726,865,865 (Form ADV from 2024-03-26). Their last reported 13F filing for Q2 2024 included $639,871,000 in managed 13F securities
and a top 10 holdings concentration of 29.93%. Prescott Group Capital Management's largest holding is Performant Financial Corp with shares held of 15,793,291. Whalewisdom has at least 92 13F filings, 62 13D filings, 231 13G filings, and 46 Form 4 filings
Business Description
The firm provides advisory services to clients, seeking to profit from both security selection and thematic sector or market timing decisions. They buy undervalued equity securities on behalf of their clients, aiming to maximize value for all shareholders. The firm does not receive any economic benefit from non-clients for providing advisory services, but they may seek board representation for certain portfolio companies.
The firm's principal and portfolio manager, Phil Frohlich, reviews client accounts daily and determines whether investments still provide value. Quarterly written reports, annual audited financial statements, and tax information are provided to investors. The firm does not recommend, request, or require clients to execute transactions through a specified broker-dealer.
Investment Strategy
The firm employs a "bottom-up" stock selection strategy, focusing on individual company opportunities rather than market timing. They are not bound by any specific investment style and may invest in growth or value stocks, or a combination of both. Their investment decisions are based on fundamental analysis of each company, considering its financial condition, industry position, and economic and market conditions. They prioritize revenue growth, return on equity, and management quality.
The firm also invests in undervalued equity securities, aiming to profit from both security selection and thematic sector or market timing decisions. They believe that understanding the fundamentals of a large universe of companies allows for opportunistic profits as market inefficiencies arise. They acknowledge that investing in securities involves significant risk of loss and provide no guarantee of achieving investment objectives.
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Top Buys (13F)
Name | % Change |
IWM iShares Russell 2000 | 4.76% |
SEDG SolarEdge Technologi | 0.59% |
PESI Perma-Fix Environmen | 0.58% |
SNX Synnex Corp | 0.54% |
NUS NU Skin Enterprises | 0.48% |
Top Sells (13F)
Name | % Change |
INTU Intuit, Inc. | 0.85% |
VICR Vicor Corp | 0.76% |
CVEO Civeo Corp | 0.71% |
MOH Molina Healthcare In | 0.6% |
SKX Skechers USA, Inc. C | 0.44% |
13F Holdings Summary
Name | $ Change |
PFMT Performant Financial | 7.16% |
IWM iShares Russell 2000 | 4.76% |
NATR Natures Sunshine Pro | 4.2% |
APEI American Public Educ | 3.13% |
CVEO Civeo Corp | 2.37% |
13F Activity
Market Value | $0.64b, Prior: $0.62b |
Inflows (Outflows) as % of Total MV | +5.7946% |
New Purchases | 34 stocks |
Added To | 37 stocks |
Sold out of | 21 stocks |
Reduced holdings in | 23 stocks |
Top 10 Holdings % | 29.93% |
Turnover %[1] | 22.92% |
Turnover Alt %[2] | 10.74% |
Time Held Top 20 | 9.3 quarters |
Time Held Top 10 | 10.6 quarters |
Time Held All | 9.64 quarters |
[1]: Turnover is calculated by taking the # of new holdings (initial purchases) + the # of positions sold out of (not just reduced) divided by the total # of holdings for the quarter.
[2]: Alt Turnover is calculated by taking either the total MV of new purchases or the MV of securities sold, whichever is less, divided by the total MV of the fund.
13F Sector Allocation Over Time
limited to past 4 quarters. Subscribe to see all available data
Top 20 equal-weighted holdings. Performance numbers calculated through 2024-06-30