WhaleScore 2.0
TWO Creeks Capital Management is based out of New York. TWO Creeks Capital Management is a hedge fund with 10 clients and discretionary assets under management (AUM) of $2,341,326,683 (Form ADV from 2024-03-28). Their last reported 13F filing for Q2 2024 included $1,608,891,106 in managed 13F securities
and a top 10 holdings concentration of 73.55%. TWO Creeks Capital Management's largest holding is VISA Inc with shares held of 695,774. Whalewisdom has at least 39 13F filings
Business Description
Two Creeks Capital Management, LP and Two Creeks Advisors, LLC serve as investment advisors with discretionary trading authority for private pooled investment vehicles, known as Funds. These Funds include the Two Creeks Domestic Fund, Two Creeks Offshore Fund, Two Creeks Intermediate Fund, and Two Creeks Capital Master Fund.
The firm offers advisory services to clients, engaging in investment strategies and making investments that they consider appropriate, subject to each client's investment objectives and guidelines. While the firm may offer any advisory services and engage in any investment strategy, it is important to note that the investment strategies pursued are speculative and entail substantial risks. Clients should be prepared to bear a substantial loss of capital.
Investment Strategy
The investment strategies aim to generate repeatable, superior, risk-adjusted returns for the Funds over multiple years. The primary focus is on investing globally in publicly-traded equities and equity-related securities. However, the strategies are flexible and may occasionally include investments in fixed income products, derivatives, commodities, or currencies, as well as any other financial instruments deemed appropriate.
The identification of investment opportunities is a challenging task, and there is no guarantee of success. The strategies are speculative and entail substantial risks, with the possibility of significant losses. Clients should be prepared to bear a substantial loss of capital, and there is no assurance that their investment objectives will be achieved.
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Top Buys (13F)
Name | % Change |
TYL Tyler Technologies I | 3.44% |
PLNT Planet Fitness Inc | 3.33% |
CRH CRH Plc | 2.55% |
KLAC KLA Corp | 1.16% |
ABNB Airbnb, Inc. | 0.97% |
Top Sells (13F)
Name | % Change |
HDB HDFC Bank Ltd ADR | 3.28% |
AZPN Aspen Technology Inc | 2.54% |
V VISA Inc | 1.13% |
ICLR Icon Plc Ads | 1.12% |
ASML ASML Holding NV (ADR | 0.74% |
13F Holdings Summary
Name | $ Change |
V VISA Inc | 11.35% |
FND Floor & Decor Holdin | 9.05% |
LOW Lowes Companies, Inc | 7.4% |
CRH CRH Plc | 7.38% |
ABNB Airbnb, Inc. | 7.33% |
13F Activity
Market Value | $1.61b, Prior: $1.74b |
Inflows (Outflows) as % of Total MV | (-6.7164)% |
New Purchases | 1 stocks |
Added To | 7 stocks |
Sold out of | 0 stocks |
Reduced holdings in | 10 stocks |
Top 10 Holdings % | 73.55% |
Turnover %[1] | 5.56% |
Turnover Alt %[2] | 10.53% |
Time Held Top 20 | 13.3889 quarters |
Time Held Top 10 | 12 quarters |
Time Held All | 13.39 quarters |
[1]: Turnover is calculated by taking the # of new holdings (initial purchases) + the # of positions sold out of (not just reduced) divided by the total # of holdings for the quarter.
[2]: Alt Turnover is calculated by taking either the total MV of new purchases or the MV of securities sold, whichever is less, divided by the total MV of the fund.
13F Sector Allocation Over Time
limited to past 4 quarters. Subscribe to see all available data
Top 20 equal-weighted holdings. Performance numbers calculated through 2024-06-30