WhaleWisdom - Getting Started
WhaleWisdom helps everyday investors research and replicate the investment portfolios of hedge fund managers in order to profit from their stock selection expertise. It gives you all the tools you need to identify top managers, test strategies for your own investment portfolio, and then implement and monitor the holdings on an ongoing basis. For additional help be sure to check out our quick video tutorial page.
Finding a fund or security
If you've come to WhaleWisdom looking for a particular fund or stock to analyze, start by entering the company name or ticker symbol into the search box at the top. If a match is found you can use the arrow keys or click on the matching selection.
Once you select a match, you are taken to the funds profile page. Here you'll find a lot of information concerning the fund or stock. In particular, the site focuses on quarterly 13F data and offers a great deal of analysis and data
Use watchlists to easily track and organize stocks you are interested in. Quickly view holders of stocks in your list and receive daily actionable emails related to activities of stocks in your list.
Features at a glance:
- Create multiple lists of stocks you are tracking.
- The number of stocks per watchlist is limited by your subscription level
- Quickly see the latest 13F stats for stocks in your list.
- Have daily or weekly emails sent with the latest updates for your watchlist. See new insider transactions, 13F, 13D/13G updates, upcoming events and more.
- Drill down into who owns the stocks in your watchlist and easily export the holdings data to Excel.
- Use in WhaleTrader
- Run the fund concentration report which finds funds that hold 1 or more (or all) members in your watchlist.
13F Backtesting
Our 13F Backtesting tool allows you to take a look at how you would have performed over time by investing alongside a single manager-or alongside a group of managers that you select.
Start by choosing a filer or create a group of filers to test with
You can combine multiple funds to find consensus picks and find out how well they would have performed in the past. Premium subscribers can backtest as far back as 2001. Non-subscribers can backtest using data from the past year for free. You also have multiple options for how stocks are chosen and weighted.
When you run a backtest, the results returned contain detailed information and analysis of your backtest performance
Performance is calculated using a stocks "total returns" price. This captures dividend re-investments and distributions.
An Excel document is created containing a complete history of the securities chosen during each rebalancing as well as a breakdown of monthly performance. Data metrics include ALPHA, BETA, standard deviation, sortino, sharpe, and annualized performance. The interactive results chart allows you to view entire performance history vs indices such as the S&P 500 Total Return. Add monthly moving averages to the chart as well
Email Alerts
Email alerts help you stay on top of changes to your portfolios in just minutes. An email alert is really, just as it sounds like, an email that you're going to receive alerting you to new filings. Most people start using them once they've identified a filer, a group of filers, or maybe an individual stock that they want to be kept up to date on any changes with.
You can receive notification for any SEC form type you are interested in and for any SEC filer.
For certain forms, WhaleWisdom even does additional processing to bring you detailed information about what the filing contains. These forms include 13F, 13D/G, 8-K, Form D, and Forms 3, 4, and 5.
Create stock baskets and receive alerts for any 13F, 13D/G, Insider Transaction, or 8-K activity for any security in the basket. For 13F filings, optionally set a filter so that the alert will only be triggered when shares are sold, or there is a certain percentage change in shares held.
Delete your alerts at any time to stop receiving emails.
Give a name to your alert and choose whether you want to receive notification in real-time or just a daily summary
Now choose your alert trigger, in other words which company(s) trigger the email alert.
Lastly, choose the forms you want to be alerted on and then press the "Save" button to save your alert to our database. The alert is now active in the system. Return to your email alerts at any time to make changes or to completely remove the alert.
Excel Add-in
The Excel add-in was created to allow subscribers to easily pull data from WhaleWisdom into Microsoft Excel. Use it to extract 13F/13D/13G data from the WhaleWisdom API without needing to understand the technical details of the API.