NPORT-P: Filer Information

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Filer CIK
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Filer Investment Company Type
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Submission Contact Information

E-Mail Address

Notification Information

Notify via Filing Website only? Override internet flag is not checked
Series ID
Class (Contract) ID
Class (Contract) ID
Class (Contract) ID

NPORT-P: Part A: General Information

Item A.1. Information about the Registrant.

a. Name of Registrant
AQR Funds 
b. Investment Company Act file number for Registrant: (e.g., 811-______)
c. CIK number of Registrant
d. LEI of Registrant

e. Address and telephone number of Registrant.
Street Address 1
2 Greenwich Plaza 
Street Address 2
4th Floor 
State, if applicable
Foreign country, if applicable
Zip / Postal Code
Telephone number

Item A.2. Information about the Series.

a. Name of Series.
AQR Long-Short Equity Fund 
b. EDGAR series identifier (if any).
c. LEI of Series.

Item A.3. Reporting period.

a. Date of fiscal year-end.
b. Date as of which information is reported.

Item A.4. Final filing

Does the Fund anticipate that this will be its final filing on Form N PORT? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part B: Information About the Fund

Report the following information for the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries.

Item B.1. Assets and liabilities. Report amounts in U.S. dollars.

a. Total assets, including assets attributable to miscellaneous securities reported in Part D.
b. Total liabilities.
c. Net assets.

Item B.2. Certain assets and liabilities. Report amounts in U.S. dollars.

a. Assets attributable to miscellaneous securities reported in Part D.
b. Assets invested in a Controlled Foreign Corporation for the purpose of investing in certain types of instruments such as, but not limited to, commodities.

c. Borrowings attributable to amounts payable for notes payable, bonds, and similar debt, as reported pursuant to rule 6-04(13)(a) of Regulation S-X [17 CFR 210.6-04(13)(a)].

Amounts payable within one year.
Banks or other financial institutions for borrowings.
Controlled companies.
Other affiliates.
Amounts payable after one year.
Banks or other financial institutions for borrowings.
Controlled companies.
Other affiliates.

d. Payables for investments purchased either (i) on a delayed delivery, when-issued, or other firm commitment basis, or (ii) on a standby commitment basis.

(i) On a delayed delivery, when-issued, or other firm commitment basis:
(ii) On a standby commitment basis:
e. Liquidation preference of outstanding preferred stock issued by the Fund.
f. Cash and cash equivalents not reported in Parts C and D.

Item B.3. Portfolio level risk metrics.

If the average value of the Fund's debt securities positions for the previous three months, in the aggregate, exceeds 25% or more of the Fund's net asset value, provide:

Currency Metric: 1
ISO Currency code
United States Dollar  

a. Interest Rate Risk (DV01). For each currency for which the Fund had a value of 1% or more of the Fund’s net asset value, provide the change in value of the portfolio resulting from a 1 basis point change in interest rates, for each of the following maturities: 3 month, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and 30 years.

Maturity period.
3 month.
1 year.
5 years.
10 years.
30 years.

b. Interest Rate Risk (DV100). For each currency for which the Fund had a value of 1% or more of the Fund’s net asset value, provide the change in value of the portfolio resulting from a 100 basis point change in interest rates, for each of the following maturities: 3 month, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and 30 years.

Maturity period.
3 month.
1 year.
5 years.
10 years.
30 years.

c. Credit Spread Risk (SDV01, CR01 or CS01). Provide the change in value of the portfolio resulting from a 1 basis point change in credit spreads where the shift is applied to the option adjusted spread, aggregated by investment grade and non-investment grade exposures, for each of the following maturities: 3 month, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and 30 years.

Investment grade.
Maturity period.
3 month.
1 year.
5 years.
10 years.
30 years.
Non-Investment grade.
Maturity period.
3 month.
1 year.
5 years.
10 years.
30 years.

For purposes of Item B.3., calculate value as the sum of the absolute values of:
(i) the value of each debt security,
(ii) the notional value of each swap, including, but not limited to, total return swaps, interest rate swaps, and credit default swaps, for which the underlying reference asset or assets are debt securities or an interest rate;
(iii) the notional value of each futures contract for which the underlying reference asset or assets are debt securities or an interest rate; and
(iv) the delta-adjusted notional value of any option for which the underlying reference asset is an asset described in clause (i),(ii), or (iii).

Report zero for maturities to which the Fund has no exposure. For exposures that fall between any of the listed maturities in (a) and (b), use linear interpolation to approximate exposure to each maturity listed above. For exposures outside of the range of maturities listed above, include those exposures in the nearest maturity.

Item B.4. Securities lending.

a. For each borrower in any securities lending transaction, provide the following information:

b. Did any securities lending counterparty provide any non-cash collateral? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item B.5. Return information.

a. Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months. If the Fund is a Multiple Class Fund, report returns for each class. Such returns shall be calculated in accordance with the methodologies outlined in Item 26(b) (1) of Form N-1A, Instruction 13 to sub-Item 1 of Item 4 of Form N-2, or Item 26(b) (i) of Form N-3, as applicable.

Monthly Total Return Record: 1
Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months – Month 1.
Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months – Month 2.
Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months – Month 3.
b. Class identification number(s) (if any) of the Class(es) for which returns are reported.
Monthly Total Return Record: 2
Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months – Month 1.
Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months – Month 2.
Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months – Month 3.
b. Class identification number(s) (if any) of the Class(es) for which returns are reported.
Monthly Total Return Record: 3
Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months – Month 1.
Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months – Month 2.
Monthly total returns of the Fund for each of the preceding three months – Month 3.
b. Class identification number(s) (if any) of the Class(es) for which returns are reported.

c. For each of the preceding three months, monthly net realized gain (loss) and net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) attributable to derivatives for each of the following categories: commodity contracts, credit contracts, equity contracts, foreign exchange contracts, interest rate contracts, and other contracts. Within each such asset category, further report the same information for each of the following types of derivatives instrument: forward, future, option, swaption, swap, warrant, and other. Report in U.S. dollars. Losses and depreciation shall be reported as negative numbers.

Asset category.
Commodity Contracts
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Asset category.
Credit Contracts
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Asset category.
Equity Contracts
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Asset category.
Foreign Exchange Contracts
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Asset category.
Interest Rate Contracts
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Asset category.
Other Contracts
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3
Instrument type.
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3

d. For each of the preceding three months, monthly net realized gain (loss) and net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) attributable to investment other than derivatives. Report in U.S. dollars. Losses and depreciation shall be reported as negative numbers.
Month 1

Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 1
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 1
Month 2
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 2
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 2
Month 3
Monthly net realized gain(loss) – Month 3
Monthly net change in unrealized appreciation (or depreciation) – Month 3

Item B.6. Flow information.

Provide the aggregate dollar amounts for sales and redemptions/repurchases of Fund shares during each of the preceding three months. If shares of the Fund are held in omnibus accounts, for purposes of calculating the Fund's sales, redemptions, and repurchases, use net sales or redemptions/repurchases from such omnibus accounts. The amounts to be reported under this Item should be after any front-end sales load has been deducted and before any deferred or contingent deferred sales load or charge has been deducted. Shares sold shall include shares sold by the Fund to a registered unit investment trust. For mergers and other acquisitions, include in the value of shares sold any transaction in which the Fund acquired the assets of another investment company or of a personal holding company in exchange for its own shares. For liquidations, include in the value of shares redeemed any transaction in which the Fund liquidated all or part of its assets. Exchanges are defined as the redemption or repurchase of shares of one Fund or series and the investment of all or part of the proceeds in shares of another Fund or series in the same family of investment companies.
Month 1
a. Total net asset value of shares sold (including exchanges but excluding reinvestment of dividends and distributions).
b. Total net asset value of shares sold in connection with reinvestments of dividends and distributions.
c. Total net asset value of shares redeemed or repurchased, including exchanges.
Month 2
a. Total net asset value of shares sold (including exchanges but excluding reinvestment of dividends and distributions).
b. Total net asset value of shares sold in connection with reinvestments of dividends and distributions.
c. Total net asset value of shares redeemed or repurchased, including exchanges.
Month 3
a. Total net asset value of shares sold (including exchanges but excluding reinvestment of dividends and distributions).
b. Total net asset value of shares sold in connection with reinvestments of dividends and distributions.
c. Total net asset value of shares redeemed or repurchased, including exchanges.

Item B.7. Highly Liquid Investment Minimum information.

a. If applicable, provide the Fund's current Highly Liquid Investment Minimum.
b. If applicable, provide the number of days that the Fund's holdings in Highly Liquid Investments fell below the Fund's Highly Liquid Investment Minimum during the reporting period.
c. Did the Fund's Highly Liquid Investment Minimum change during the reporting period? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No N/A is not checked N/A

Item B.8. Derivatives Transactions.

For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the percentage of the Fund's Highly Liquid Investments that it has segregated to cover or pledged to satisfy margin requirements in connection with derivatives transactions that are classified among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]:

(1) Moderately Liquid Investments
(2) Less Liquid Investments
(3) Illiquid Investments

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Switzerland Franc  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Switzerland Franc  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
OMXS30 Index 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
QCV0 Index 
Description of other unique identifier.
Future Ticker 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Sweden Krona  
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is checked 1 2 is not checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
NASDAQ OMX Commodities Clearing 
LEI (if any) of counterparty.

d. For futures and forwards (other than forward foreign currency contracts), provide:

i. Payoff profile, selected from among the following (long, short).

ii. Description of reference instrument, as required by sub-Item C.11.c.iii.

2. If the reference instrument is an index or custom basket, and if the index’s or custom basket’s components are publicly available on a website and are updated on that website no less frequently than quarterly, identify the index and provide the index identifier, if any. If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents 1% or less of the net asset value of the Fund, provide a narrative description of the index. If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents more than 5% of the net asset value of the Fund, provide the (i) name, (ii) identifier, (iii) number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions), and (iv) value of every component in the index or custom basket. The identifier shall include CUSIP of the index’s or custom basket’s components, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available). If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents greater than 1%, but 5% or less, of the net asset value of the Fund, Funds shall report the required component information described above, but may limit reporting to the (i) 50 largest components in the index and (ii) any other components where the notional value for that components is over 1% of the notional value of the index or custom basket.
An index or custom basket, where the components are publicly available on a website and are updated on that website no less frequently than quarterly.

Index name.
OMXS30 Index 
Index identifier, if any.

If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents 1% or less of the net asset value of the Fund, provide a narrative description of the index.

Narrative description.
iii. Expiration date.
iv. Aggregate notional amount or contract value on trade date.
ISO Currency Code.
Sweden Krona  
v. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Euro Member Countries  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Euro Member Countries  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
Euro Member Countries  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
United States Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
Euro Member Countries  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
United States Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Canada Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Canada Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
JP Morgan Chase Bank 
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
Euro Member Countries  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
United States Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
Euro Member Countries  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
United States Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Total Return Basket Swap 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
5019996000 USD 
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Account Number 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Principal amount  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
United States Dollar  
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
JPMorgan Chase Bank 
LEI (if any) of counterparty.

2. If the reference instrument is an index or custom basket, and if the index’s or custom basket’s components are publicly available on a website and are updated on that website no less frequently than quarterly, identify the index and provide the index identifier, if any. If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents 1% or less of the net asset value of the Fund, provide a narrative description of the index. If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents more than 5% of the net asset value of the Fund, provide the (i) name, (ii) identifier, (iii) number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions), and (iv) value of every component in the index or custom basket. The identifier shall include CUSIP of the index’s or custom basket’s components, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available). If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents greater than 1%, but 5% or less, of the net asset value of the Fund, Funds shall report the required component information described above, but may limit reporting to the (i) 50 largest components in the index and (ii) any other components where the notional value for that components is over 1% of the notional value of the index or custom basket.
An index or custom basket, where the components are publicly available on a website and are updated on that website no less frequently than quarterly.

Index name.
Index identifier, if any.

If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents 1% or less of the net asset value of the Fund, provide a narrative description of the index.

Narrative description.
Rec/pay the total return of custom basket plus Fed +/- spread (-2.21% to 0.20%). USD Currency. Maturity 53-62 Months 01/22/25 to 09/18/25 

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Penumbra, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Humana, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Trex Co., Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
World Fuel Services Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Eaton Corp. plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Colfax Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cardinal Health, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Terex Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Apple, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Guardant Health, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Stryker Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Dycom Industries, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Prestige Consumer Healthcare, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Halliburton Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Carlisle Cos., Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Hubbell, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
AmerisourceBergen Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
ONEOK, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
NetApp, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Trane Technologies plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
GATX Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Nordson Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Universal Health Services, Inc., Class B 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
HealthEquity, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Parker-Hannifin Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
McKesson Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Woodward, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cognex Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Watsco, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Littelfuse, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Johnson Controls International plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
GrafTech International Ltd. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
TransDigm Group, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Keysight Technologies, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Baker Hughes Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Arrow Electronics, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Anthem, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Quidel Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
EQT Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Motorola Solutions, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cheniere Energy, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Hexcel Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Northrop Grumman Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Western Digital Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
MasTec, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Bluebird Bio, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
A O Smith Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Pfizer, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Timken Co. (The) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Globus Medical, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
LHC Group, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Ubiquiti, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Transocean Ltd. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Xylem, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
HEICO Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Exelixis, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Trimble, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Avnet, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Graco, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
CDW Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Ciena Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Premier, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Exxon Mobil Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
General Electric Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Acuity Brands, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
ITT, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cisco Systems, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Equitrans Midstream Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Generac Holdings, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
HCA Healthcare, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
AGCO Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
IDEX Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Johnson & Johnson 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Chemed Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Pure Storage, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
WW Grainger, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
PRA Health Sciences, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Masco Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Ingersoll Rand, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Air Lease Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cigna Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
NCR Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Helmerich & Payne, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Haemonetics Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Perrigo Co. plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cerner Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
ViaSat, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Arista Networks, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
CommScope Holding Co., Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
General Dynamics Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Trinity Industries, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Fluor Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Waters Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Donaldson Co., Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cooper Cos., Inc. (The) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Bruker Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Bio-Techne Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Catalent, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Amgen, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Fastenal Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Henry Schein, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Molina Healthcare, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Emerson Electric Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
WPX Energy, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Coherent, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Avanos Medical, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
ResMed, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Becton Dickinson and Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Quest Diagnostics, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Dell Technologies, Inc., Class C 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Sensata Technologies Holding plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
ChampionX Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Veeva Systems, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Patterson Cos., Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Devon Energy Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cummins, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
CVS Health Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Juniper Networks, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Incyte Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
nVent Electric plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Occidental Petroleum Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
HP, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Abbott Laboratories 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Univar Solutions, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Owens Corning 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Danaher Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
United Therapeutics Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
United Rentals, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Edwards Lifesciences Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Phillips 66 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Rockwell Automation, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Crane Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Allegion plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
FLIR Systems, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
National Oilwell Varco, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Textron, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Marathon Petroleum Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Axon Enterprise, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Xerox Holdings Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Otis Worldwide Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
NewMarket Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Immunomedics, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Lennox International, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Raytheon Technologies Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Lumentum Holdings, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
NetScout Systems, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Illumina, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Seattle Genetics, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
BWX Technologies, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
LivaNova plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
NuVasive, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Snap-on, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Amphenol Corp., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Avantor, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Teledyne Technologies, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Syneos Health, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Mercury Systems, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Masimo Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Biogen, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Carrier Global Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cimarex Energy Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Intuitive Surgical, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
3M Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
ICU Medical, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Zoetis, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Belden, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Valmont Industries, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Boeing Co. (The) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Merck & Co., Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cantel Medical Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Novocure Ltd. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Regal Beloit Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Quanta Services, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
II-VI, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Curtiss-Wright Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Deere & Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Amedisys, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Jabil, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Lockheed Martin Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Howmet Aerospace, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
PerkinElmer, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Medtronic plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Mylan NV 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
TE Connectivity Ltd. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Repligen Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Oshkosh Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
NOW, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Chevron Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Boston Scientific Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
IQVIA Holdings, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
AbbVie, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
HollyFrontier Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Moderna, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
EOG Resources, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
L3Harris Technologies, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Seagate Technology plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Zebra Technologies Corp., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
InterDigital, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Tenet Healthcare Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Middleby Corp. (The) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Eli Lilly and Co. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Parsley Energy, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Horizon Therapeutics plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Roper Technologies, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Exact Sciences Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
IPG Photonics Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Targa Resources Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
HD Supply Holdings, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
PBF Energy, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
National Instruments Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
DexCom, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Insulet Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Centene Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Marathon Oil Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Teladoc Health, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Fortive Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Dover Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Hologic, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Caterpillar, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Alkermes plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
CNX Resources Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Acceleron Pharma, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Honeywell International, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Teleflex, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Concho Resources, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Align Technology, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Nektar Therapeutics 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
EchoStar Corp., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Acadia Healthcare Co., Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Pentair plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Apache Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Covetrus, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Illinois Tool Works, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Dolby Laboratories, Inc., Class A 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Baxter International, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Gilead Sciences, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Toro Co. (The) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
F5 Networks, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
EMCOR Group, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Murphy Oil Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Flowserve Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Valero Energy Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Elanco Animal Health, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Hess Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Corning, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Kennametal, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Sage Therapeutics, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Encompass Health Corp. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Schlumberger NV 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
Custom swap Flag Yes is checked Yes No is not checked No

1. Description and terms of payments to be received from another party.
Receipts: Reference Asset, Instrument or Index.

Receipts: fixed, floating or other. Fixed is not checked Fixed Floating is checked Floating Other is not checked Other
Receipts: Floating rate Index.
Federal Funds 
Receipts: Floating rate Spread.
Receipt: Floating Rate Reset Dates.
Receipt: Floating Rate Reset Dates Unit.
Receipts: Floating Rate Tenor.
Receipts: Floating Rate Tenor Unit.
Receipts: Base currency.
United States Dollar  
Receipts: Amount.

2. Description and terms of payments to be paid to another party.
Payments: Reference Asset, Instrument or Index

Payments: fixed, floating or other. Fixed is not checked Fixed Floating is checked Floating Other is not checked Other
Payments: fixed or floating
Payments: Floating rate Index.
Federal Funds 
Payments: Floating rate Spread.
Payment: Floating Rate Reset Dates.
Payment: Floating Rate Reset Dates Unit.
Payment: Floating Rate Tenor.
Payment: Floating Rate Tenor Unit.
Payments: Base currency
United States Dollar  
Payments: Amount
ii. Termination or maturity date.
iii. Upfront payments or receipts
Upfront payments.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
Upfront receipts.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Notional amount.
ISO Currency Code.
v. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
Limited Purpose Cash Investment Fund 
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Limited Purpose Cash Investment Fund 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of shares  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
United States Dollar  
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle)  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Registered fund  

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is checked 1 2 is not checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
Euro Member Countries  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
United States Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
Euro Member Countries  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
United States Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
Switzerland Franc  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
United States Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
Switzerland Franc  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
United States Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Canada Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Canada Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Israel Shekel  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Israel Shekel  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
JP Morgan Chase Bank 
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Euro Member Countries  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Euro Member Countries  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
United States of America 
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
U.S. Treasury Bills 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Principal amount  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
United States Dollar  
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle)  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
U.S. Treasury  

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Principal amount  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Singapore Dollar  
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
JPMorgan Chase Bank 
LEI (if any) of counterparty.

2. If the reference instrument is an index or custom basket, and if the index’s or custom basket’s components are publicly available on a website and are updated on that website no less frequently than quarterly, identify the index and provide the index identifier, if any. If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents 1% or less of the net asset value of the Fund, provide a narrative description of the index. If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents more than 5% of the net asset value of the Fund, provide the (i) name, (ii) identifier, (iii) number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions), and (iv) value of every component in the index or custom basket. The identifier shall include CUSIP of the index’s or custom basket’s components, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available). If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents greater than 1%, but 5% or less, of the net asset value of the Fund, Funds shall report the required component information described above, but may limit reporting to the (i) 50 largest components in the index and (ii) any other components where the notional value for that components is over 1% of the notional value of the index or custom basket.
An index or custom basket, where the components are publicly available on a website and are updated on that website no less frequently than quarterly.

Index name.
MSCI Singapore Net Return Index 
Index identifier, if any.
MSCI Singapore Net Return Index 

If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents 1% or less of the net asset value of the Fund, provide a narrative description of the index.

Narrative description.
Custom swap Flag Yes is checked Yes No is not checked No

1. Description and terms of payments to be received from another party.
Receipts: Reference Asset, Instrument or Index.

Receipts: fixed, floating or other. Fixed is not checked Fixed Floating is checked Floating Other is not checked Other
Receipts: Floating rate Index.
Receipts: Floating rate Spread.
Receipt: Floating Rate Reset Dates.
Receipt: Floating Rate Reset Dates Unit.
Receipts: Floating Rate Tenor.
Receipts: Floating Rate Tenor Unit.
Receipts: Base currency.
United States Dollar  
Receipts: Amount.

2. Description and terms of payments to be paid to another party.
Payments: Reference Asset, Instrument or Index

Payments: fixed, floating or other. Fixed is not checked Fixed Floating is checked Floating Other is not checked Other
Payments: fixed or floating
Payments: Floating rate Index.
Payments: Floating rate Spread.
Payment: Floating Rate Reset Dates.
Payment: Floating Rate Reset Dates Unit.
Payment: Floating Rate Tenor.
Payment: Floating Rate Tenor Unit.
Payments: Base currency
United States Dollar  
Payments: Amount
ii. Termination or maturity date.
iii. Upfront payments or receipts
Upfront payments.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
Upfront receipts.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Notional amount.
ISO Currency Code.
v. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Total Return Basket Swap 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
3014482300 CHF 
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Account Number 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Principal amount  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Switzerland Franc  
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
Morgan Stanley International 
LEI (if any) of counterparty.

2. If the reference instrument is an index or custom basket, and if the index’s or custom basket’s components are publicly available on a website and are updated on that website no less frequently than quarterly, identify the index and provide the index identifier, if any. If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents 1% or less of the net asset value of the Fund, provide a narrative description of the index. If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents more than 5% of the net asset value of the Fund, provide the (i) name, (ii) identifier, (iii) number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions), and (iv) value of every component in the index or custom basket. The identifier shall include CUSIP of the index’s or custom basket’s components, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available). If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents greater than 1%, but 5% or less, of the net asset value of the Fund, Funds shall report the required component information described above, but may limit reporting to the (i) 50 largest components in the index and (ii) any other components where the notional value for that components is over 1% of the notional value of the index or custom basket.
An index or custom basket, where the components are publicly available on a website and are updated on that website no less frequently than quarterly.

Index name.
Index identifier, if any.

If the index’s or custom basket’s components are not publicly available in that manner, and the notional amount of the derivative represents 1% or less of the net asset value of the Fund, provide a narrative description of the index.

Narrative description.
Rec/pay the total return of custom basket plus SARON +/- spread (-0.88% to 0.35%). CHF Currency. Maturity 8-40 Months 05/12/21 

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Swatch Group AG (The) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Swisscom AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
EMS-Chemie Holding AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Credit Suisse Group AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
UBS Group AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Novartis AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Temenos AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Belimo Holding AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Zurich Insurance Group AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Givaudan SA (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Straumann Holding AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Sulzer AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
OC Oerlikon Corp. AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
ABB Ltd. (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Galenica AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Kuehne + Nagel International AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
LafargeHolcim Ltd. (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Sonova Holding AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Sika AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Vifor Pharma AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Baloise Holding AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
ams AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Barry Callebaut AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Dufry AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Helvetia Holding AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Cie Financiere Richemont SA (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Idorsia Ltd. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Flughafen Zurich AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Clariant AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Logitech International SA (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Lonza Group AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Partners Group Holding AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Bucher Industries AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Schindler Holding AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Nestle SA (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Geberit AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Tecan Group AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Adecco Group AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
SIG Combibloc Group AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
dormakaba Holding AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Swiss Re AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
DKSH Holding AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Swiss Life Holding AG (Registered) 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Alcon, Inc. 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
Roche Holding AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  

For all other indices or custom baskets provide:

i. Name.
VAT Group AG 

At least one of the following other identifiers:

ISIN (if CUSIP is not available)
ISIN (if CUSIP is not available).
iii. Number of shares or notional amount or contract value as of the trade date (all of which would be reported as negative for short positions).
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Value.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
Custom swap Flag Yes is checked Yes No is not checked No

1. Description and terms of payments to be received from another party.
Receipts: Reference Asset, Instrument or Index.

Receipts: fixed, floating or other. Fixed is not checked Fixed Floating is checked Floating Other is not checked Other
Receipts: Floating rate Index.
Receipts: Floating rate Spread.
Receipt: Floating Rate Reset Dates.
Receipt: Floating Rate Reset Dates Unit.
Receipts: Floating Rate Tenor.
Receipts: Floating Rate Tenor Unit.
Receipts: Base currency.
United States Dollar  
Receipts: Amount.

2. Description and terms of payments to be paid to another party.
Payments: Reference Asset, Instrument or Index

Payments: fixed, floating or other. Fixed is not checked Fixed Floating is checked Floating Other is not checked Other
Payments: fixed or floating
Payments: Floating rate Index.
Payments: Floating rate Spread.
Payment: Floating Rate Reset Dates.
Payment: Floating Rate Reset Dates Unit.
Payment: Floating Rate Tenor.
Payment: Floating Rate Tenor Unit.
Payments: Base currency
United States Dollar  
Payments: Amount
ii. Termination or maturity date.
iii. Upfront payments or receipts
Upfront payments.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
Upfront receipts.
ISO Currency Code.
United States Dollar  
iv. Notional amount.
ISO Currency Code.
v. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Euro Member Countries  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Euro Member Countries  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
JP Morgan Chase Bank 
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Australia Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Australia Dollar  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
JP Morgan Chase Bank 
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Sweden Krona  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Sweden Krona  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is not checked 1 2 is checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

a. Type of derivative instrument that most closely represents the investment, selected from among the following (forward, future, option, swaption, swap (including but not limited to total return swaps, credit default swaps, and interest rate swaps), warrant, other).

b. Counterparty.
i. Provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty (including a central counterparty).

Counterparty Record: 1
Name of counterparty.
JP Morgan Chase Bank 
LEI (if any) of counterparty.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Euro Member Countries  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.
i. Amount and description of currency sold.
Amount of currency sold.
Description of currency sold.
United States Dollar  
ii. Amount and description of currency purchased.
Amount of currency purchased.
Description of currency purchased.
Euro Member Countries  
iii. Settlement date.
iv. Unrealized appreciation or depreciation. Depreciation shall be reported as a negative number.

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
News Corp. 
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
News Corp., Class A 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of shares  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
United States Dollar  
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).

Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 7(ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report "N/A" if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient). 1 is checked 1 2 is not checked 2 3 is not checked 3 N/A is not checked N/A

Item C.9. For debt securities

For debt securities, also provide:

a. Maturity date.

b. Coupon.

i. Select the category that most closely reflects the coupon type among the following (fixed, floating, variable, none).
ii. Annualized rate.
c. Currently in default? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Are there any interest payments in arrears or have any coupon payments been legally deferred by the issuer? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
e. Is any portion of the interest paid in kind? [Y/N] Enter "N" if the interest may be paid in kind but is not actually paid in kind or if the Fund has the option of electing in-kind payment and has elected to be paid in-kind. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

f. For convertible securities, also provide:

i. Mandatory convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
ii. Contingent convertible? [Y/N] Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

iii. Description of the reference instrument, including the name of issuer, title of issue, and currency in which denominated, as well as CUSIP of reference instrument, ISIN (if CUSIP is not available), ticker (if CUSIP and ISIN are not available), or other identifier (if CUSIP, ISIN, and ticker are not available).
If other identifier provided, indicate the type of identifier used.

v. Delta (if applicable).

Item C.10. For repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, also provide:

a. Select the category that reflects the transaction (repurchase, reverse repurchase). Select "repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash lender and receives collateral. Select "reverse repurchase agreement" if the Fund is the cash borrower and posts collateral. Repurchase is not checked Repurchase Reverse repurchase is not checked Reverse repurchase

b. Counterparty.

i. Cleared by central counterparty? [Y/N] If Y, provide the name of the central counterparty. Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No

ii. If N, provide the name and LEI (if any) of counterparty.

c. Tri-party? Yes is not checked Yes No is not checked No
d. Repurchase rate.
e. Maturity date.

f. Provide the following information concerning the securities subject to the repurchase agreement (i.e., collateral). If multiple securities of an issuer are subject to the repurchase agreement, those securities may be aggregated in responding to Items C.10.f.i-iii.

Item C.11. For derivatives, also provide:

Item C.12. Securities lending.

a. Does any amount of this investment represent reinvestment of cash collateral received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
b. Does any portion of this investment represent that is treated as a Fund asset and received for loaned securities? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No
c. Is any portion of this investment on loan by the Fund? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

NPORT-P: Part C: Schedule of Portfolio Investments

For each investment held by the Fund and its consolidated subsidiaries, disclose the information requested in Part C. A Fund may report information for securities in an aggregate amount not exceeding five percent of its total assets as miscellaneous securities in Part D in lieu of reporting those securities in Part C, provided that the securities so listed are not restricted, have been held for not more than one year prior to the end of the reporting period covered by this report, and have not been previously reported by name to the shareholders of the Fund or to any exchange, or set forth in any registration statement, application, or report to shareholders or otherwise made available to the public.

Item C.1. Identification of investment.

a. Name of issuer (if any).
b. LEI (if any) of issuer. In the case of a holding in a fund that is a series of a series trust, report the LEI of the series.
c. Title of the issue or description of the investment.
Forward Foreign Currency Contract 
d. CUSIP (if any).

At least one of the following other identifiers:

Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Other unique identifier (if ticker and ISIN are not available). Indicate the type of identifier used
Description of other unique identifier.
Inhouse Asset ID 

Item C.2. Amount of each investment.

Balance. Indicate whether amount is expressed in number of shares, principal amount, or other units. For derivatives contracts, as applicable, provide the number of contracts.

Number of contracts  
Description of other units.
Currency. Indicate the currency in which the investment is denominated.
Value. Report values in U.S. dollars. If currency of investment is not denominated in U.S. dollars, provide the exchange rate used to calculate value.
Exchange rate.
Percentage value compared to net assets of the Fund.

Item C.3. Indicate payoff profile among the following categories (long, short, N/A). For derivatives, respond N/A to this Item and respond to the relevant payoff profile question in Item C.11.

Payoff profile. Long is not checked Long Short is not checked Short N/A is checked N/A

Item C.4. Asset and issuer type. Select the category that most closely identifies the instrument among each of the following:

Asset type (short-term investment vehicle (e.g., money market fund, liquidity pool, or other cash management vehicle), repurchase agreement, equity-common, equity-preferred, debt, derivative-commodity, derivative-credit, derivative-equity, derivative-foreign exchange, derivative-interest rate, derivatives-other, structured note, loan, ABS-mortgage backed security, ABS-asset backed commercial paper, ABS-collateralized bond/debt obligation, ABS-other, commodity, real estate, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.
Derivative-foreign exchange  
Issuer type (corporate, U.S. Treasury, U.S. government agency, U.S. government sponsored entity, municipal, non-U.S. sovereign, private fund, registered fund, other). If “other,” provide a brief description.

Item C.5. Country of investment or issuer.

Report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country where the issuer is organized.
If different from the country where the issuer is organized, also report the ISO country code that corresponds to the country of investment or issuer based on the concentrations of the risk and economic exposure of the investments.

Item C.6. Is the investment a Restricted Security?

Is the investment a Restricted Security? Yes is not checked Yes No is checked No

Item C.7.

a. Liquidity classification information. For portfolio investments of open-end management investment companies, provide the liquidity classification(s) for each portfolio investment among the following categories as specified in rule 22e-4 [17 CFR 270.22e-4]. For portfolio investments with multiple liquidity classifications, indicate the percentage amount attributable to each classification.

i. Highly Liquid Investments
ii. Moderately Liquid Investments
iii. Less Liquid Investments
iv. Illiquid Investments

b. If attributing multiple classification categories to the holding, indicate which of the three circumstances listed in the Instructions to Item C.7 is applicable.

Instructions to Item C.7 Funds may choose to indicate the percentage amount of a holding attributable to multiple classification categories only in the following circumstances: (1) if portions of the position have differing liquidity features that justify treating the portions separately; (2) if a fund has multiple sub-advisers with differing liquidity views; or (3) if the fund chooses to classify the position through evaluation of how long it would take to liquidate the entire position (rather than basing it on the sizes it would reasonably anticipated trading). In (1) and (2), a fund would classify using the reasonably anticipated trade size for each portion of the position.

Item C.8. Indicate the level within the fair value hierarchy in which the fair value measurements fall pursuant to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement). [1/2/3] Report “N/A” if the investment does not have a level associated with it (i.e., net asset value used as the practical expedient).