The 13F portfolios being sampled are listed
and include the top 0 funds used in the most recent WhaleScore calculation.
The following attributes were calculated for the entire population of stocks from
the 13F portfolios being used:
- (TFI) - Total number of filers increasing or starting a position in the stock
- (TFD) - Total number of filers decreasing or selling out of a position in the stock
- (R) - The inverse change in average ranking the stock had in the portfolio's being sampled.
- (TOP10) - The number of times the stock appears in the top 10 holdings of the portfolio's being sampled.
- (TF) - Total number of filers being sampled that held any kind of position in the stock
Only stocks that are held by at least 5% of the portfolio's being sampled are considered for the heat map.
These attributes are compared to the attributes calculated for the prior quarter and the percent
change is determined. From there the following algorithm is used to determine the final score:
TFI% - TFD% + R% + TOP10% + TF%
Filers used in this quarter