China State Construction International Holdings Ltd. Ordinary (CCOHF)
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China State Construction International Holdings Limited engages in building construction, civil engineering works, infrastructure investment, and project consultancy businesses. The company operates in five geographical segments: Hong Kong, Peoples Republic of China, Macau, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and India. The company's projects undertaken range from building works of public housing, private residential, office / commercial, industrial, hospital institutions, educational and cultural facilities, hotels, public institutions; to civil engineering works of site formation, highways, bridges, reclamation and tunnel projects; as well as piling, mechanical and electrical engineering works. The company's construction business is operated mainly under its subsidiaries of China State Construction Engineering. (Hong Kong) Limited and China State Construction Limited. Segments The company operates in four principal business activities: Construction activities; Supply of heat and electricity and provision of connection services; Infrastructure project investment and others, including insurance business; and Manufacturing and sale of precast structures.
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